Able Aeropress Standard Reusable Stainless Filter Disk

Able Aeropress Standard Reusable Stainless Filter Disk


Designed to create the best coffee possible for those seeking a sustainable alternative to paper filters. Being reusable, all it takes is a quick rinse under hot water to keep the smooth stainless steel filter clean and eliminates the need for paper filters, which is especially convenient when traveling.

The Able Disk STANDARD filter characteristics result in a fuller body cup of coffee with a bit more fines. Thicker and should last many years of heavy use and is very hard to bend/damage.

Not only are the filters sustainable but they also produce a stunning flavor profile by allowing more oils and a fuller bodied cup of coffee than paper. Able Brewing coffee gear is suitable for a wide range of pour over coffee brewing methods producing a clean cup of coffee.

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